October 9th Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini square Saturn until February 4 2025. A time to question any outdated beliefs, what is true in fact, whilst coming into
alignment with spiritual and natural law.
Pluto Moves Direct October 12th @29 degrees of Capricorn : amps up the intensity factor a week either side of the station date.
Super Full Moon in Aries October 17th 4.26am PDT : The most intense Full Moon of the year.
Jupiter in Gemini Trine the Sun in Libra ~ all those ideas, which one is your purposeful one?
October 21st, 22nd, 23rd, all very powerful days too.

We are at the Full Moon mark, after eclipse season, and yet this Full Moon is not technically an eclipse, but it is close enough to feel like one. The Super Full Moon will occur on the heels of Pluto turning direct the 12th October and so heightened intensity levels will be running as they will indeed, for the rest of the year.
A further addition is that the Moon degree of 24 degrees of Cancer is sitting exactly with Eris, the Goddess of Chaos and Discord. Of note, in mundane astrology the moon represents the people. Unrest is palpable.
The North Node of Fate, in Aries is very close to the Full Moon in Aries (which denotes an eclipse) and also sits next to/ is conjunct to Chiron in Aries.
We are dealing with lots of Aries energy therefore. Mars is the planet of action and desire, dynamic energy. It shows the urge and energy to accomplish, build and progress. From the desire and action of Mars we gain valuable experience which will ultimately teach us to use our energies constructively and transmute desire into will and healing power. It can go two ways as all things can. We are in the shadow of the upcoming Mars Retrograde in early December and will have a chance to review what I am talking about here, more further down). Aries, ruled by Mars, symbolises independence, active, strong desire, the hero, bold and fearless, energetic, dynamic, busy, forthright aggressive energy. On the negative side: war, violence, combative, rash, extreme, obstinate.
The Ruler of Aries, Mars, rules this Full Moon and the North Node, our intentional destiny for all, is sitting square to the Full Moon making his point in Cancer but is also part of a Cardinal Grand Cross making this Full Moon very intense - calling for an initiatory, strong shift toward a more caring and supportive approach, to advocate for nurturance toward each other and pioneer ourselves away from the perpetuation of the lower frequencies of aggression, hostility, and war. But rather, to be a fighter for nourishment and care in order to progress and build the new, taking the higher road away from the destructive energy of conflict, battle and warfare. What is significant is that where Mars is now @22 degrees of Cancer, squaring this Full Moon, he will revisit this Cancerian territory that we will retrograde over, early January of next year, and again April 26th 2025. The subject of care for others and how we initiate nourishment enabling safety and security for others, is definitely UP, remaining relevant until May of next year. A pioneer ship to build the new future.
Stepping outside of 'astrology' for a moment it is surely about respect for another human being also.
Chiron in Aries wants us to recalibrate the old, historical, patriarchal wounds of aggression and war mongering and step into a bold healing role, trailblazing a brave new era where freedom is very much alive together with authentic warriorship. Whilst Eris, Ares sister, wants to upturn the tables and unleash havoc with her built up emotional anger to make sure all are included and taken care of.
Venus is a big player here too, sitting at 29 degrees of Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. (Venus rules Taurus and Money). The extreme anoretic degree that demands the archetype of Scorpio flush out and balance the money sector for one. She is dredging all that is hidden and secret to reveal what are our true needs, to rectify any distortion and betrayal, sure up sullied big business investments/big money in compromised financial investments, in order to transmute and realign. Shocking revelations (Uranus), regards this realm will surface more than likely.
More to the point, where is it within ourselves have we hidden a dark ominous truth that needs to be lanced and transmuted upwards into freedom?
What deep ensconced need lays wanting unmet for a long, long time?
where is there any detachment to the cold hard truths out there in our world now?
How can you/I harmonise what lays deep within hidden until now, so that our relationship to the One can finally move forward with grace?
Pluto and Neptune are supporting Venus by dissolution from Neptune to reveal what has been hidden, furthering the required elimination transformation energy push from Pluto.

Let us remember the children, the innocent ones.
Not only the ones we see each day or hold closely, but the ones who are being shot in the head by a single bullet intentionally, the innocents who know not what is happening and are so frightened. Let us all pray for them; for those alive and orphaned, those wee ones suffering, enduring pain and emotionally numb, and also for those who have already tragically been killed, crossed over and in disbelief.
Tread mindfully, breathe deeply and be grateful for all that we have in this precious life right now.
Remember, the Heart is the most important of all as that is where the
sacred flame lives within each one of us.
~A Hui Ho ~
I am adding a piece from Ang Stoic astrology ~
As Mars edges into its retrograde pre-shadow, poised to oppose Pluto, now direct but still clinging to the anaretic degree of Capricorn, we stand on the precipice of a profound showdown—an infernal struggle between the raw, unfiltered self and the crumbling edifice of patriarchal dominion. Pluto, entrenched in Capricorn’s last gasp, embodies the darkside father complex, an authoritarian spectre grasping desperately at control even as its foundations erode. Mars in Cancer, in its fall yet simmering with untapped emotional potency, challenges this dying order not with overt aggression but with the formidable force of unacknowledged vulnerability.
This cosmic duel reaches its first climax on November 3rd, a mere two days before the U.S. presidential election—a temporal synchronicity that feels anything but coincidental, given that it boils down to a battle of the sexes.
to read more about this important alignment and time period ..