It feels like a runaway train ready to explode on occasion, or for some, constantly, and yet,
just know that the train of old chapters is coming to a close.
The dawn of a New era of Being is unfolding right in front of us, within our very selves, if we are still enough to observe within and have awareness of.
October 2nd Solar New Moon Eclipse is a Super Moon, we can expect enhanced geo-physical activity - earthquakes, storms, floods, and, effects to our nervous system goes without saying. Feeling strung out and tired, wired too, can go along with these energies. Eclipses are about catalysts for change and transformation; the light of the sun is blacked out, promoting sudden shifts, setting a new course, away from dysfunctional patterns and towards your souls' purpose.
The eclipse portal, or window, that we moving through is relentless in its message - discernment of what's yours or theirs, nurturance of the self, surrender into the spiritual aspects of your being, trust and have faith in the life Force Power of our Universe : from the September 17th Lunar Eclipse.
The Equinox emanates the harmonic of full support from the outer planets to shift and make shifts on a foundational level, continue to surrender and dissolve in order to make the creative changes (with a sense of responsibility), nurture the self in all that we do, and yes, quit the people pleasing and playing nice nice, to consequently honour thyself a whole lot more. There's a relentless theme here, impressing upon us all to simplify our lives completely, to slow down and allow ourselves to be comforatable in our own skin. In order to do that and be that completely, we need to let go and surrender our old beliefs, thought constructs that no longer serve our current trajectory.
The directives are pretty much the same as a constant
but the intensity pedal is all the way ON.
Together with this eclipse there is a trio of Goddesses - Kali, Pallas Athene and Lilith assisting us to retrieve our hidden sacred feminine attributes. They will be at 6 degrees of Sagittarius and
will be tightly woven together through to half of November.
Assistance to slice through to the truth of the matter and re-engage with your warrior-ship, unearthing what has long been denied or buried in the unconscious is on the agenda.
Breathwork, drilling down to the core of your being in meditation, shadow work, or a Detox Healing with me, can assist to free up these parts. (Just know that rage may be found lying untapped and a safe environment is important with this work).

We have a fabulous earth (building into form) trine promoting support from the outer planets Pluto and Uranus that will continue for a few years to come, emboldening and urging us to make the changes, to dive deep and cull what is obsolete giving us the open flow of support to do so.
We have another very supportive water (emotional) trine hosted by Saturn in Pisces ( ruler of Capricorn- Remember Pluto is at the crisis 29th degree of Capricorn) - directly assisting both Mars in Cancer and Venus in Scorpio. We are being directed to look deeply and thoroughly into all of our relationships, particularly with ourselves and finish any self betrayal, any narcissism, any abandonment of self, self sabotage, and to support and comfort our inner child in all that we do, in how we express ourselves 'out there', together with honouring and prioritising our own own sense of security and safety.
Saturn is supportive in assisting the surrender into the more spiritual, softening and compassionate aspects of ourselves as to how we treat ourselves and others.
The sign of Capricorn, which Saturn rules, and yes, I am leaning into where Pluto is dredging further into the recesses of our unconscious and subconscious, has moved through all the degrees of the archetype itself. Pluto wants us to eliminate all the shadows, where are we reacting from past parental imprints?, there is no more 'time' to put off what has been swept under the rug and I'm telling you you don't want the two by four method from him. He dang well means it at this point and so we are being asked to comb through all bodies - emotional, mental, spiritual and physical. Chronic issues may be up - I can tell you they are for me! Deal with it all.
Pluto is the foundational drumbeat to everything going on.
A Big moment will be October 12th, The great Eliminator and Transformer himself will station into direct motion - the week prior and afterwards will be extra intense
with all I have mentioned above.
Mars - his little brother who goes out into the world to fulfil our souls' purpose
- will begin to become opposite. The build will be effectual on us all.
Our breathing and conscious awareness practise will be put to the test.
Anything that triggers us is a shadow to be cleared.
We will experience Mars opposite Pluto a few times into the future, and so things will become very hot in the kitchen from the inside out. Beginning around the 20th October mark, this pressure and heat will be felt becoming exact on November 2nd, January 1st, April 26th 2025. Of course there are the time periods before and after as well. Remember Mars is the planet of aggression and war but hopefully we can take the high road on this one. As we do we help others to do the same.
This aspect, Pluto opposite Mars, will become exact by November 2nd - and then the USA will Vote.
Huli Duli - keep your hat on and your lungs moving deeply, shift into a place of knowing that everyone is going through this and no matter what the outcome of the election everyone is part of the creative end result. Albeit legal, illegal, illusory or whatever!
Back to the Eclipse ~ the Super Solar Eclipse New Moon is conjunct the South Node of Fate signifying, making very clear, that we need to let go further of anywhere, or anything, where we may self sabotage or undermine ourselves. Venus, the ruler of Libra, in the archetype of Scorpio (ruled by Pluto), is demanding that we dive deep on this one, revealing last vestiges of dark secrets
where we betray ourselves or give our power away.
Where are we not listening?
Where are we polorized causing extreme circumstances within or wothout?
How is your mastery with conflict resolution?
Where are your boundaries a bit too leaky or not enough?
Where are your relationships hooked in or addicted?
How can you make each and every relationship a win win?
A few days after the Eclipse, Jupiter will station Retrograde on Oct 8th asking us all to reassess all information and beliefs. Rather timely for this stage of the American future path.
Mars too, has his moment to make his message heard, yet a subtle one at this point, moving into his shadow degree of 17 degrees of Cancer. This will be the degree that Mars will retrograde
back to when he begins his Retrograde cycle on December 5th.
He will not be out of the shadow period until May 2nd 2025.
Cycles within cycles. Mars will be in the archetype of nurturing and caring, interesting how
this is coming in now.
Upstairs, Source, Creator of All that IS, definitely has Their/Her/His agenda for us all.
Tread gently as you go dear ones.
A Hui Ho.
