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Available Online

'UnWind the Soul' Healing - Zoom or LIVE

Zoom or at my Sanctuary Office on Maui

1 h 30 min
275 US dollars
Haahaa Street


A Spiritual Detox Healing. I have come to know, having given thousands of healings, how to decode the language of light. During the sessions, I create a ‘Sacred Space‘ initially. I use the Power of the Spoken Word, utilizing Prayer specifically, to achieve detailed results unique to each individuals’ needs, but also for Safety! We sit in comfortable armchairs opposite each other. The Healing begins with my ability to see, feel & hear with searing clear psychic vision, what Love needs you to surrender or let go of. There may also be initiation, activation, recalibration and attunement that may be required as well, or ‘what is next’ for the client. I often call this healing 'the Ultimate Soul Detox' as much can be cleared out and realigned. For some, absolute Grace occurs after much suffering. Each individual is unique and so the Healings are different. I work with the Highest Frequencies of Love & with the Lords’ & Masters’ of the Highest degree. With access to the Akashic Records, the Bardo Realms and the many planes & dimensions & galaxies, therefore, allows a seamless, clear & thorough Healing. (Please note: f you require this session on Zoom, please choose the next service as you will be sent the Zoom link therefore. This choice is for those who can attend LIVE with me at my home office in Pukalani.) I have created a 'Series of 3' UWS Healing category as it is usually needed for almost everyone. (pls check for this category if you desire this one). *Taking into consideration that you are all of your lifetimes in your vehicle NOW, there are multiple memories & traumas that lay trapped, caught in a knot/miasma, Soul fragmentation, or Disassociation, ways of being that are no longer appropriate to journey along with you .. to name just a few possibilities. It requires quite a few healings to clear up some of the main pieces that may trip you up, or hold you back. ** Disclaimer' for all Healings "I will do my best to provide insight and support through the UWS Healing time together, but always, you are in the driver’s seat. You are entirely responsible for your own choices. My insights, opinions, or advice are not meant to sway or override your own judgement, wisdom, or intuition. You remain solely responsible for any application of the information we have discussed, for your action or non-action, and the consequences that may occur." ~ Mahalo, Juliet Butters Doty


To cancel or reschedule please do so 24 hours prior to your committed time. Mahalo


  • +1-808-359-8676

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