New Moon in Virgo September 2nd 2024 @6.56pm PDT.
URANUS Stations Retrograde in Taurus
~ be ready to respond to change at a moments notice.
and then just 7.5 hours later, PLUTO enters back into & reactivates the 29th degree of Capricorn on Sept 1st. Big times we are in.
Pluto trine Uranus and Sedna - ongoing fabulous emboldening help
Saturn opposite the New Moon and Sun in Virgo - take a serious look at whats happening
Saturn Jupiter Square still in play - responsible expansion, focussed and grounded
embracing the whole.
Neptune in Pisces, North Node of Fate and Salacia in Aries - Pioneering altogether, heralding the Light and Love.
Pallas Athene calling on Mars to adjust and focus on what's at hand.
Eris, Goddess of rebellion and Chiron the Maverick, continue on their march to stir the pot.
Mercury, ruler of Virgo, is still in the sign of Leo until September 9th, assisting is to become very clear about what you Love, what turns on your bells and whistles.
We head into the latter part of the year with a more serious tone.
Set your intentions with this New Moon and make it count.
Uranus stations Retrograde shortly before Pluto makes his big change. It is quite
remarkable that this is occurring on the same day and just hours apart.
Both Planets will be emanating huge energies which we will all feel now as
we approach and move away from the week of.
Remember, Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius.
There is something that we all need to review, recalibrate, glean and discern internally, as to just what may still, be unearthed within needing to be expunged.
Where do you inhibit your souls' freedom and creativity? Where do you feel stifled?
Pluto re-enters Capricorn just a day before the New Moon in Virgo, heralding a distinct call for us to probe into every facet of our lives, take ownership of our actions, let go of any subconscious dominance we impose on ourselves, and scrutinize the impact of external influences made upon us - there are many. During this two and half months of time we need to investigate our inclinations to stifle,
subjugate, hold back, whilst exploring where do we suppress, oppress, and
repress ourselves potentially falling into states of depression for some. Post Mercury Retrograde we all have greater clarity of the airstream in our minds together with depth of creative expression.
Pluto also requires us to pause and reflect, ensuring that our actions and methods are aligned with the projects and ideas that truly serve the greater purpose in our lives affecting the whole.

Just what do we need to deal with?
It's now time to discern and cull - Virgo attributes - as to what keeps us individually and collectively from our highest path, our destiny. Pluto is demanding now to deal with our past shadows and cobwebs and with this New Moon in Virgo to not miss a thing. Pluto will be in Capricorn until November 19th where he will remain in Aquarius for the next twenty year chapter. He will not be back to this Saturnian archetype for another 230 years.
Pluto is the backdrop to everything, desirous of transforming us all so that we will evolve as a species. He highlights to us from the underbelly of much that needs to be eliminated.
And so what is it for you?
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn is in the sign of Pisces, dissolving boundaries and blurring our sense of what we need to focus on, to the extent that perhaps some old ideals are no longer driving us and a shift towards a sense of unity begins to emerge. Also, are there any old karmic entanglements that have been left unaddressed? The time is now to deal with them. Almost like a last call deal.

We are strongly encouraged to concentrate and differentiate during this New Moon phase, to reassess how we approach our daily routines, habits, and transform our days into meaningful experiences on a soul level to better manage the changes that are a constant now.
Dedication to health regimes too, is being brought under scrutiny to apply
greater commitment to our body's overall optimum health.
Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Salacia, the asteroid Goddess of crystalline light and higher frequencies, still sits next to the North Node of our Collective Fated Destiny together with Neptune at 29 degrees calling for a dissolution
and surrender into the Source of All that Is, into the unified field that is always there to catch us.
Dissolving and softening what obstructs that flow.
Eris is still next to Chiron inciting us all to act, to harness the courage to fight for what is your meaningful truth and purpose.
Remember that the fabulous trine from Uranus - ruler of Aquarius - to Pluto, and will be for the next few years ~ is still supporting us tremendously with innovations and futuristic ideas so that we can all come together as a whole. Perhaps now too, is the time (Saturn) to bring into form some
foundational, solid (Saturn), Spiritual (Pisces), structures.
Lastly, Venus, ruler of the South Node, sits one degree away to the South Node in Libra - makiingher point where we need to empty out and let go - of where we spend to much time, focus and effort on people pleasing, not wanting to rock the boat and being too generous in catering to others. Juno is also right there next to, implying that we are all equal, there are none that are better than your dear self.
The focus for the last year has been to focus on ourselves and pioneer 'our thing' - North Node of Fate - and will be until the nodes change signs in January 2025.

We are in revolutionary, game changing times now.
Your practices to connect into your stillness can only assist you to navigate into your future.
Deepen your connection, trust your feelings, have faith that the Cosmos has a plan
even though the chaos may reign 'out there'.
Maintain your center, no one else can do that for you. Find your natural rhythm and deeper energy flow, what is your essential need/s for that to tick over beautifully for you?
Allow yourself the rest needed for the ongoing transformations occurring within. We are not designed to just keep the accelerator pedal on GO, we need down time, for integration.
Until next Cycle ~ a Super Full Moon in Pisces partial LUNAR Eclipse on the 17th.
Yes, we are entering the Eclipse Season portal as we move through September.
Tread gently as you go,
