New Moon in Aquarius January 29th 4.36am PST together with the Year of the Snake
- both on the same day.
Together with the powerful influence of Pluto conjunct this New Moon, Sun meeting. Boom, very powerful. We are only just coming off of the Pluto Sun conjunction on Jan 20th on Inauguration Day.
Uranus stations Direct less than 24 hours later on the 30th = Ignition time.
Retrograde Mars is now "out of bounds" - meaning it is strong and acting in a maverick way even though he is retrograde, still in Cancer until Feb 23rd. It's about Self Preservation whilst being courageous to achieve that end.
USA's Mercury is conjuncted exactly by the out of bounds retrograde Mars : suggesting it is time to turn the rhetoric, away from where it has been at least, and move towards a more caring communication towards each other.
Eris in Aries squares Mars precisely in Cancer, together with Chiron also just five degrees away, in an active square to Mars( ruler of Eris & Chiron in Aries). Huge quest with riotous potential regards inclusion and caring for everyone.
*Pallas Athene is opposite Mars - trine Uranus : instilling an authoritative, focussed, driving aim on caring for others, as we creatively do something about it.
Nessus exactly conjunct Saturn and Venus in Pisces asking for radical forgiveness.
Jupiter trines the New Moon to have us question what is true and what is not, instilling the inauguration signature for the next four years as a 'truth telling period'.
Revelations of the underbelly will be exposed.
Jupiter turning Direct February 4th ~ a Zing can now be felt within fuelling your way forward.

As we all anticipate the New Moon in Aquarius on January 29, I can already sense an exhilarating energy building around us all. We are indeed Shapeshifting
The unique pairing of the New Moon & the Chinese New Year is pregnant with promise as the Snake represents transformation, wisdom, and a peeling away of the skin as we enter into this year of
2025, a 9 year in Numerology.
The number Nine represents a letting go, a completion, attainment, fulfilment, regeneration and revelation.
This celestial event quite literally, even as the stellium of planets as we view them in the sky are lined up, paired with the direct motion of Uranus the day after this New Moon, it is a historic, transformative phase in our collective spiritual journey as humans on this planet. Pluto Sun Moon all together that is explosive and dynamic . A new archetype of power that we have never experienced before is breaking through into the Collective Consciousness (Lorna Bevan). The Zeitgeist is changing right before our eyes ... and when we get to the end of Pluto in Aquarius in 2044 we will not recognise ourselves.
With Pluto recently conjoined to the Sun - birthing a transformative chapter - with the powerful Pisces stellium featuring Saturn, Venus, Neptune, and the North Node - the Cosmos is aligning to support our growth and nurture meaningful change.
Being willing to let go and radically forgive others and ourselves is a prime directive now as Nessus is very close still to Saturn and Venus. Nessus exactly conjunct Saturn and Venus in Pisces proclaims radical forgiveness as the directive, particularly in the realm of the past and karma - it is time. Nessus represents 'the buck stops here'.
A strong statement together with our relationship of our value (Venus) to that.

The New Moon in Aquarius brings a wave of innovation and fresh perspectives. It urges us to the forefront of our spiritual evolution. As we embrace this moment of new beginnings, we will feel motivated to deepen and explore just where this alignment can be effectual for our journey.
The Significance of the New Moon
~ Inner Transformation ~
New Moons' symbolize fresh starts, making them perfect for introspection, setting intentions, and manifesting desires. This particular New Moon in Aquarius shines with a special power, as the sign embodies originality, humanitarian values, and forward-thinking. During this transformative period, let us remind ourselves to embrace our individuality and unlock unique potentialities that have been waiting for this time to awaken within us all.
The energy of Aquarius motivates us to break away from conventional thinking. It's a prime time to reevaluate habits, beliefs, and daily routines. For instance, we might consider integrating practices like journaling or meditation that inspire creativity and self-reflection. Connecting and collaborating with innovative thinkers or engaging in community projects could also amplify changes that we yearn for whilst stimulating internal growth.
The Influence of Uranus Stationing Direct
~ Ignite your Spiritual Evolution ~
As we begin to tap into the energies of the New Moon, Uranus - ruler of Pluto in Aquarius - will station direct on January 30, less than 24 hours after. We will all feel this a week either side of the station. This transition heightens any sudden revelations or awakenings we might experience. As the planet of radical change & innovation adn Ruler of Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus will be particularly strong pushing for radical change, acting as a powerful catalyst, pushing us as all to step boldly liberating into new growth, innovative development and societal change that has been frozen of fixed shut until now. The energies are about Change, change and more change so we may as well jump on the train ~ it is an express!
This alignment encourages us to listen to our intuition, to stick to what rings true and embrace the unexpected. We may be drawn to new experiences or viewpoints that challenge current understanding. Staying open and flexible will be crucial as the energy of Uranus guides us toward genuine transformations rather than timidly avoiding the unknown - time for that is over.

Pluto Conjunct Sun:
A Call to Inner Power to ignite your Evoultion.
The backdrop of this New Moon is intensified by Pluto's very recent exact conjunction with the Sun - both in Aquarius, still well within an 8-degree orb even now to this New Moon. (Remember, the Sun always sits right with the Moon exactly on a New Moon). This powerful alignment therefore, highlights the need for inner strength and transformation, backbone adn creativity. Pluto urges us to explore our inner depths, face our shadows, applying the radical forgiveness of the past of ourselves & others and emerge renewed. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius remember and so the energy of this New Moon is very, very Uranian. aka futuristic, change things up whether you like it or not, all inclusive, leading edge material. Seismic activity is also strongly on the cards.
Reflecting on my personal journey, I have been feeling very wobbly these last weeks with the Piscean energy building - not quite feeling solid or feeling what is real. I recognize that true spiritual growth often requires facing uncomfortable truths. Change is never very confortable. This alignment compels me to confront the aspects in my life that need letting go or a revamp. Examining limiting beliefs around wealth or relationships has helped me harness the potent energy to embrace a higher version of myself.
The Pisces Stellium's Profound Impact
Adding richness to this cosmic picture is the significant Pisces stellium, consisting of Saturn, Venus, Neptune, and the North Node, all in Pisces. Clustered in the final degrees of the zodiac, these celestial bodies greatly influence our walk on this planet currently.
Saturn brings structure and discipline to this dreamy Pisces energy, reminding us all to establish a solid foundation for deepening spiritual practice, meditation time, walks in nature, together with appreciation of stillness. The need to balance inspiration with action : creating a routine for spiritual disciplines or setting specific goals can help solidify growth.
Venus encourages us to cultivate love, compassion, and harmony. Prioritizing self-care and nurturing positive relationships which support spiritual development, together with Discipline regarding money expenditures may also be important for some at this time.
Neptune, the ruler of dreams and higher consciousness, amplifies intuition and connection to the divine. This powerful stellium pushes us to delve deeper into new or established spiritual practices together with envisioning, dreaming and internally creating the life we want to manifest. Next year we will want to put to use all the dreaming time spent.
Finally, the North Node emphasizes destiny and soul growth, highlighting that aligning with our true purpose may require releasing insecurities whilst deepening our connection to Source and stepping confidently into our authentic self.

Embracing Change for Spiritual Evolution
With so many powerful planetary influences at play, we are all in an excellent position to embrace meaningful changes and grow spiritually. Exploration of beliefs and feelings will strengthen our connection to the universe.
This New Moon might be charged with potential, but the real power lies in our actions. Intentions set during this lunar event, will powerfully set our trajectory for the year. Ponder with discernment, conviction and focus on the areas in your life that need transformation. Intend well this cycle of the New Moon.
In this Cosmic moment, I will ask myself some pivotal questions:
What changes do I know deep down are essential for my spiritual journey?
How can I use lessons from my past to shape my future positively?
Where can I initiate significant changes in my life?
A New Chapter
As I navigate the New Moon in Aquarius on January 29 and the influence of Uranus, together with the alignment of Pluto, alongside the Pisces stellium, it all serves as a knowing that the Cosmos has our backs. We have only to deepen our faith and trust in the unknown as we venture forward.
The transformative energy surrounding this cosmic event invites us to explore and dive deeper into spiritual practice, embrace our unique gifts, and prioritize our growth like never before.

The next Full Moon will be on February 12th in Leo. So much will occur between now and then and so remember to nourish and care for yourself. Tread gently dear ones
~ A Hui Ho ~